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Monday, October 5, 2009

Creating gradients in PHP

A few days ago I was looking around for methods to calculate color gradients in PHP. Nothing I found seemed to fit (most of them were centered around creating pictures with GD), so I decided to roll my own. You can see the code below.

There is a small test script attached to the end, which generates the image you can see here. It supports multiple color spaces (RGB, YUV and HSV), the idea being that some gradients are more natural in color spaces other than RGB. By support I mean that the gradient is calculated in the given color space, after which it is transformed back into RGB.

Hope you find this useful.

class ColorGradient {
function rgb2yuv($r, $g, $b) {
# adapted from:
= 0.299 * $r + 0.587 * $g + 0.114 * $b;
return array(
($b - $y) * 0.565,
($r - $y) * 0.713

function rgb2hsv($r, $g, $b) {
# adapted from:
= min($r, $g, $b);
= max($r, $g, $b);

= $max/255;
= $max-$min;

if ($max != 0)
= $delta/$max;
return array(-1, 0, $v);

if ($r == $max) $h = ($g-$b)/$delta;
else if ($g == $max) $h = 2+($b-$r)/ $delta;
else $h = 4+($r-$g)/$delta;

if ($h<0) $h+=360;

return array($h, $s, $v);

function ColorGradient($colors, $minimum = 0.0, $maximum = 1.0, $colorspace = 'rgb', $use_cache = true) {
= '';
= array_keys($colors); sort($limits);
= array_shift($limits);

= $maximum - $minimum;
.= "\$value = \$value * 100 / $gap;\n";

foreach ($colors as $limit => $color) {
('/^#?([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]{2})$/iD', $color, $m);
[$limit] = array(hexdec($m[1]), hexdec($m[2]), hexdec($m[3]));
[$limit] = $colors[$limit];
if ('yuv' == $colorspace)
[$limit] = $this->rgb2yuv($colors[$limit][0], $colors[$limit][1], $colors[$limit][2]);
else if ('hsv' == $colorspace)
[$limit] = $this->rgb2hsv($colors[$limit][0], $colors[$limit][1], $colors[$limit][2]);

foreach ($limits as $up_limit) {
= $colors[$low_limit]; $m_end = $colors[$up_limit];

.= "if (\$value >= $low_limit && \$value <= $up_limit) {\n";
= ($m_end[0] - $m_start[0]) / 100;
.= " \$a = {$m_start[0]} + ({$gap}) * \$value;\n";
= ($m_end[1] - $m_start[1]) / 100;
.= " \$b = {$m_start[1]} + ({$gap}) * \$value;\n";
= ($m_end[2] - $m_start[2]) / 100;
.= " \$c = {$m_start[2]} + ({$gap}) * \$value;\n";
.= "}\n";

= $up_limit;

.= "if (\$value <= 0) return array({$orig_colors[0][0]}, {$orig_colors[0][1]}, {$orig_colors[0][2]});\n";
.= "if (\$value >= 100) return array({$orig_colors[100][0]}, {$orig_colors[100][1]}, {$orig_colors[100][2]});\n";

.= "\n";
if ($use_cache) {
.= "\$c = \"\$a_\$b_\$c\";\n";
.= "if (array_key_exists(\$c, \$cache)) {\n";
.= " \$a = \$cache[\$c][0]; \$b = \$cache[\$c][1]; \$c = \$cache[\$c][2];\n";
.= "} else {\n";

if ('yuv' == $colorspace) {
.= "\$y = \$a; \$u = \$b; \$v = \$c;\n";
.= "\$a = \$y + 1.403 * \$v;\n";
.= "\$b = \$y - 0.344 * \$u - 0.714 * \$v;\n";
.= "\$c = \$y + 1.770 * \$u;\n";
else if ('hsv' == $colorspace) {
.= "\$h = \$a; \$s = \$b; \$v = \$c;\n";
.= "\$a = \$b = \$c = 0;\n";
.= "if (0 == \$s) { \$a = \$b = \$c = \$v; }\n";
.= "else {\n";
.= " \$h /= 60; \$i = floor(\$h); \$f = \$h-\$i; \$p=255*\$v*(1-\$s);\n";
.= " \$q=255*\$v*(1-(\$s*\$f)); \$t=255*\$v*(1-\$s*(1-\$f)); \$v*=255;\n";
.= " switch(\$i) {\n";
.= " case 0: \$a = \$v; \$b = \$t; \$c = \$p; break;\n";
.= " case 1: \$a = \$q; \$b = \$v; \$c = \$p; break;\n";
.= " case 2: \$a = \$p; \$b = \$v; \$c = \$t; break;\n";
.= " case 3: \$a = \$p; \$b = \$q; \$c = \$v; break;\n";
.= " case 4: \$a = \$t; \$b = \$p; \$c = \$v; break;\n";
.= " default: \$a = \$v; \$b = \$p; \$c = \$q; break;\n";
.= " }\n";
.= "}\n";

if ($use_cache) {
.= " \$cache[\$c] = array(\$a, \$b, \$c);\n";
.= "}\n";

.= "\n";
.= "return array(intval(\$a), intval(\$b), intval(\$c));\n";

->cache = array();
->gradientFunc = create_function('$value,$cache', $funcStr);

function getColorArray($value) {
return call_user_func($this->gradientFunc, $value, $this->cache);

function getColorWeb($value) {
= $this->getColorArray($value);
return sprintf('#%02X%02X%02X', $r[0], $r[1], $r[2]);

function getColorGD($value, $image) {
= $this->getColorArray($value);
return imagecolorallocate($image, $r[0], $r[1], $r[2]);

* Example code:

$f = new ColorGradient(array(0 => 'FF0000', 100 => '00FF00'), 0.0, 1.0, 'rgb');
$g = new ColorGradient(array(0 => 'FF0000', 100 => '00FF00'), 0.0, 1.0, 'yuv');
$h = new ColorGradient(array(0 => 'FF0000', 100 => '00FF00'), 0.0, 1.0, 'hsv');

$im = imagecreatetruecolor(1000, 30);
for ($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) {
$c = $f->getColorGD($i / 1000, $im);
imageline($im, $i, 0, $i, 9, $c);
$c = $g->getColorGD($i / 1000, $im);
imageline($im, $i, 11, $i, 19, $c);
$c = $h->getColorGD($i / 1000, $im);
imageline($im, $i, 21, $i, 30, $c);

print $i . " -> " . $f->getColorWeb($i / 1000) . ' ' . $g->getColorWeb($i / 1000) . ' ' . $h->getColorWeb($i / 1000) . "\n";
imagepng($im, 'gradient.png');


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